Miskolc is also called the city of churches, which also show the big variety of the people living in this merchant city. Merchants arriving from far away made their own churches, temples, monasteries of their own religion. One of the oldest buildings was the Benedictine Abbey in Miskolctapolca, the reconstructed base of which can be seen in the park in Miskolctapolca.
The Calvinist Church in Avas is the oldest church in the city. Its belfry has a special chime of bells. In the historic cemetery around the church several famous Hungarians rest, for example some members of the Latabár family (who were famous Hungarian actors and actresses).
The Trinity Orthodox Church has icons of great significance in the history of arts and it also has an impressive size; it is the biggest one in Central Europe. The exhibition in the neighbouring museum shows several-decade-old works of orthodox church arts. The church, which was given the rank of Episcopal Cathedral, is situated in Búza Square. Its garden is a peaceful place in the busy city-centre.
The Deszkatemplom is also a unique Calvinist church from wood. It is the third one here. With its wooden roof, towers, it attracts the eyes from far. In addition to the well-known churches there are several other special churches, for example the Cliff Chapel in Miskolctapolca or the ruins of the Pálos Monastery in Szentlélek.
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Phone: +46/560-250
E-mail: szallas@uni-hotel.hu