Collection of University history at the University of Miskolc
Traditions of centuries under special protection
The Museum of the University History shows artefacts from the history of the University of Miskolc and its ancestors: the Academy of Mining and Forestry in Selmecbánya, the College of Mining and Forestry Engineering in Sopron, and the Polytechnic of Heavy Industry in Miskolc.
The most important attractions are the archives of certificates, collection of photographs, the numismatic collection, the collection of the documents and symbols of the students’ traditions, and the audio-visual collection of voice records and motion pictures. The collection of technical stuff started in the Library of the University on 1 January 1986. Most objects on display connect to the past of the Academy of Mining and Forestry (1735-1949) and the Polytechnic of Heavy Industry (1949—1990).
Besides the materials in connection with teaching, there is a wide range of objects connecting to engineering such as equipment of laboratories, instruments of that age. The collection in Alma Mater has been left by the university teachers who not only taught at the universities but also worked in industry. The museum has four permanent exhibitions.
Selmeci Cultural Heritage Library
The cultural heritage library contains almost every single book of the Library of the Academy of Mining and Forestry in Selmecbánya from the years between 1735 and 1918. With the help of this technical-scientific collection, mining and metallurgic training became world famous by the late 18th century. In the display room 6000 volumes of the library of Selmec, the oldest, museum piece books can be seen.
From Selmec to Miskolc 1735-1985
The historical exhibition of the technical tertiary education shows the history of the university with photographs and documents.
The treasure of the mineral collection from Selmec
The permanent exhibition shows the mineral collection from the Academy in Selmec. 4000 items of minerals can be seen.
Alma Mater – 275 years of the university
In the hall of the main building of the university you can see an exhibition where the first coursebooks of the Mining University founded in 1735 are on display in glass cases. Also, special items of minerals from the Carpathian basis can be admired at.
Intellectual Heritage of Student Traditions
The Collection of University History at the University of Miskolc considers its task to keep student traditions for the next student generations. The origin of the student traditions in Selmec connects to the students at the Mining School founded in Selmecbányán in 1735, later the Academy of Mining and Forestry. The traditions remained after the school moved to Sopron, then to Miskolc.
Uniforms, student songs, special parties organized with specific ceremonies (ring, ribbon, cup dedicatory), farewell parties with torch-light procession in the city, and farewell ball all belong to such traditions and customs. The student traditions in Selmec were handed over from generations to generations and are still kept. The University of Miskolc wants to make the traditions listed in the National List of the Intellectual Cultural Heritage.
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Mailing Address: 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Pf.: 21.
Phone: +46/560-250