Zoopark Miskolc
Miskolc Zoo and Cultural Park opened on 20th August 1983 to show the wildlife of the Mountain Bükk. The zoopark is located in a 21 hectare hornbeam-oak forest connected to the Bükk National Park, this way the rich flora and fauna of the Bükk Mountains can be presented. There are animal shows, strokes and spectacle feeds. The surroundings of the zoo is a great place to meet nature.
The relaxing and calming atmosphere of the nature together with farm and exotic animals gives an unforgettable experience for everybody. The zoo shows the wildlife of the continents being home to around 700 specimens of nearly 130 species and varieties. Its speciality is the Pere David’s deer, which is a species of deer native to the subtropics of China. The zoo also takes part in international breeding programmes that have made it possible for animals extinct in the wild to survive in zoos.
One of the biggest pack of wolves of Centra Europe can be found here living in nature like habitat and also the whole range of species of national big game can be found. One of the most popular part of the zoo is the one showing special parrots and budgies, as well as the collection of Madagascan monkeys, Bengal tigers, panthers, lynxes, camels, ostriches, suricates. Another speciality is the conservation park of statues, which commemorates the European scientists who played a significant role in creating the culture of zoos. Life-size bronze statues of animals commemorate the species that became extinct as a result of human activity.
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Address of the Hostel: Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Uni-Hostel Diákotthon
Mailing Address: 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Pf.: 21.
Phone: +46/560-250
E-mail: szallas@uni-hotel.hu