The UNI-HOSTEL Student’s Hostel, providing an excellent service, is situated near the city centre, in the area of the University of Miskolc. It is a nice, modern hostel in the green belt of Miskolc.
We can accommodate 60 people from September to June all year round and 603 people in summer (in July and August) in rooms of high standard in a neighbourhood of high standard.
The Student Hostel was realized with the involvement of entrepreneurial capital within the framework of the PPP program (“Public Private Partnership”), and is owned by the University of Miskolc. (
The hostel can be found in the Campus in the greenbelt of Miskolc, next to Miskolctapolca. The facilities of the university, the technical equipment of the auditoriums, the sports complex meeting all demands, as well as the high capacity of accommodation all provide a unique facility for activities from accommodating tourists to organizing conferences.
“Many adventures are within reach from us!”
The hostel is in the greenbelt of Miskolc. We help our guests to learn more about Miskolc and its neighbourhood. We look forward to accommodating you. Be our guest.
If you want to book a room, you can inform us on the phone: +3646560250. Or you can email us:! It is possible to book a room online.
We are an ideal place for summer camps, school union parties, weddings, business programmes, trainings and social events.
It is an ideal place for summer camps, school union parties, wedding receptions, business meetings or conferences, training sessions and other programmes.
The UNI-HOSTEL expects its guests with 2, 3, 4-bed rooms with private bathrooms and apartments of outstanding quality. The 4-bed rooms consisting of two separated 2-bed rooms with a shared bathroom in the middle are excellent for accommodating friends and families. Our hostel is an excellent place to start exploring the neighbourhood or to go hiking.
In our hostel, 30 comfortable guest rooms are available during semesters. In summer, during the holiday time, all our rooms, that is nearly 300 rooms are available for our guests. We offer excellent accommodation in the Campus in the green belt of Miskolc.
We offer accommodation for families, friends all year around.
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Address of the Hostel: Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Uni-Hostel Diákotthon
Mailing Address: 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Pf.: 21.
Phone: +46/560-250